
First Aid Training For Volunteer & Rescuer

Animal First Aid

Shashwat Foundation conducts training sessions for volunteers and rescuers, led by an expert panel of experienced veterinarians. These sessions ensure that first aid and emergency care can be effectively provided to injured dogs and cats in need.

Animal Law Training Session

animal lawyer training

Shashwat Foundation conducts training sessions for volunteers, members and general publicĀ  led by an expert andĀ  experienced lawyers and advocates. These sessions aim to educate citizens about essential animal protection laws in India, ensuring they stay informed and aware of their rights and responsibilities.”

Animal Telepathy Communication

Animal telepathy ngo

Join our exclusive training on animal telepathy and communication! Learn to connect with lost pets, understand community dogs, and discover what they think of you. Strengthen your bond with animals and help them in need. Unlock this incredible skill and make a difference!

All the above training sessions will be online sessions with nominal fees for volunteer and members of certain percentage goes into animal welfare as a charity

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